Microsoft Excel File Conversion Wizard

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As part of the Microsoft Excel development team's ongoing commitment to making the product easier to use and in response to user input, we present the File Conversion Wizard. The File Conversion Wizard is the second in a series of add-on Wizards being made available to enhance your use of Microsoft Excel. The File Conversion Wizard helps you to convert Lotus 123 and Quattro Pro files (as well as many other formats) to Excel files in a single step, rather than one at a time.

System Requirements

The File Conversion Wizard can be used with the following Microsoft Excel versions:

Installation and Usage

The File Conversion Wizard add-in file, FILECONV.XLA, should reside in the Microsoft Excel Library directory. The path to this directory is different depending on which version of Excel you are running.

For standalone Excel 5.0, you will find the LIBRARY directory directly under the EXCEL directory (for example, C:\EXCEL\LIBRARY on a Windows system).

For MS Office and Excel 7.0, you will find the LIBRARY directory under the MSOFFICE and EXCEL directories (for example, C:\MSOFFICE\EXCEL\LIBRARY).

To Install File Conversion Wizard

  1. Copy FILECONV.XLA to the Microsoft Excel Library Directory.
  2. Run Microsoft Excel.
  3. On the Tools menu, select Add-Ins.
  4. Check the File Conversion Wizard checkbox.
  5. Click OK.

To Use File Conversion Wizard

  1. Under the Tools menu choose File Conversion Wizard.
  2. Select the folder containing the files you want to convert and specify their current file format. Click Next.
  3. Select the files you want to convert and move them into the "Files You Want to Convert" window. Click Next.
  4. Select the destination for the converted files. Click Finish.
  5. A report will be generated in Excel showing the file conversion.


The Microsoft Excel team plans to update this and other wizards on a regular basis. We will make them available in the following ways:

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